Help / Frequently Asked Questions

I am a CompuServe 2000 user and I am getting an error message "The page cannot be displayed" or "Cannot find server".

If you are a CompuServe 2000 member, there are a few different reasons why you may not be able to access specific web sites or pages. This is not limited to pages at DNS Central. Listed below are three possible reasons, in order of probability, supplied to us by CompuServe staff members.

  1. You may have parental controls set in your CompuServe 2000 software that are preventing you from accessing some Web sites with CompuServe 2000 and with your Web browsers. To adjust your CompuServe 2000 parental controls, log on with your CompuServe 2000 master account, pull down the Access menu or the Help menu, pick Parental Controls, then pick Set Parental Controls Now, then follow the directions for removing the controls on your account. For more information on this, you can address a message to "sysop" in the forum that supports CompuServe 2000 and its access software:

    CSHelp 2000 Forum [ GO HELP2000 ]

  2. You can connect to the Internet with your CompuServe 2000 account ONLY while you have your CompuServe 2000 software connected to CompuServe. You cannot use Windows Dial-Up Networking (DUN).

    To use another Internet application on your computer, such as a Web browser like Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer, use the following procedure:

    • Connect to CompuServe with your CompuServe 2000 software
    • For convenience, minimize CompuServe 2000 on your Windows desktop, but be sure it remains connected to CompuServe
    • Launch and use the Internet application

    That roundabout procedure is not necessary for CompuServe Classic members; they do not need to have their CompuServe software activated to use the Internet.

    In more detail, here's how you might use Microsoft Internet Explorer:

    • Connect to CompuServe with your CompuServe 2000 software
    • For convenience, minimize CompuServe 2000 on your Windows desktop, but be sure it remains connected to CompuServe
    • Launch Internet Explorer by double-clicking its desktop icon
    • Type the URL you'd like to use into Internet Explorer's Address text box. You can use as a test; it's a good Web search engine. Press the Enter key on your keyboard.

    CompuServe 2000 and its access software are supported at
    CSHelp 2000 Forum [ GO HELP2000 ]
    Post any message in that forum addressed to "sysop".

  3. You may also need to change settings in your Web browser to make it compatible with CompuServe 2000, or you may need to clear its cache. The CompuServe 2000 Help forum can help you with that, but you will have to tell them what version number you have (Internet Explorer 3, 4, or 5, or Netscape Navigator 3 or 4). To do this, launch your browser, pull down Help, then pick About. The version number is there. Once you have this information, post a message in the CompuServe 2000 Help forum addressed to "sysop".

    CSHelp 2000 Forum [ GO HELP2000 ]

The above information was supplied by members of CompuServe staff. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact CompuServe staff at